When starting a business, one of the issues that is always current is access to financing for SMEs, since with the necessary budget it is possible to apply and start initiatives to direct or improve the business, seeking its growth, positioning and subsequent profitability.

According to data from the 2021 Business Demographics Study (EDN 2021), it was estimated that more than 1.5 million businesses closed. In addition, we must have in mind that a very high percentage of ventures stop working before they are even 2 years old, which may be due to various factors that have to do with the business strategy, external crises or the lack of financing for the continuation of operations.


What is needed to obtain financing for SMEs?

Before beginning to define the requirements to acquire resources, it is important to take into account that there are different sources of financing for companies, such as:

  • Credits for SMEs
  • Leasing
  • Incubators and accelerators
  • Online credit
  • Public funds
  • Merchant Cash Advance (MCA)


Although there are a variety of financing options for SMEs that can be used, in this article we will present the requirements to request it with SMEs Capital, which are:

  1. Be a person with business activity (PFAE), a company or merchant with at least six months of operation.
  2. Have at least 6 months of business operation.
  3. Reach average credit card sales of more than $25,000 MXN per month.
  4. Fill out the contact form, in which basic data such as name and email, business address and SAT credentials (RFC and CIEC) must be registered. You can find the form by clicking on this link.
  5. The form asks for the credentials of the POS provider, since it is required to know the credit or debit card sales in recent months.


It should be noted that the financing process of Pymes Capital is similar to that of an online credit, with the guarantee of security in the use of information. This is possible because it works through a secure SAT API to connect to the SAT database, in order to review the tax information of the company’s movements and evaluate if it is possible to continue with the financing process and define what the amount to be financed.

The plus of the Pymes Capital service is that, within the financing sources, with its option you get a prompt response, so that after having the green light you can send your documentation and, subsequently, receive the funds in less than a day in order to that you continue to grow your business.

Undoubtedly, the Pymes Capital service is characterized by being fast and efficient, since often access to credit for SMEs is slow or they ask for requirements that are very difficult to meet or that require a large amount of documentation and procedures.

However, Pymes Capital offers a large number of benefits, with the guarantee of having a high approval rate to support different ventures to meet their goals or objectives. Change the future of your business and define its course with Pymes Capital!