A company’s liquidity problems appear when the business does not have the capacity to meet its debts and other obligations that require capital to be met.

According to data estimated by “Radiografía del emprendimiento”, 29% of the reasons for failure of an SME are related to poor administration, and this can lead to a lack of liquidity, which in turn can mean its closure.

It is important to take the above into account, so knowing the causes that affect liquidity and the situations that can help maintain a good cash flow are key aspects for your company to function properly and prevent it from disappearing.


Causes of a company’s liquidity problems

Below you will learn about some of the reasons for you to prevent yourself or identify them in time in your business, and later you will know how to solve liquidity problems in a company.

Have low profits or losses

Negative cash flow is related to the lack of benefits and, although not exclusively, it greatly affects recent ventures, which can take time to become customers and collect from them, which generates a lack of cash to operate in the market. day to day.

Not taking advantage of technology

It is important to take advantage of all the automated tools that are currently on the market and be efficient in administrative processes, otherwise, you could lose competitiveness and not provide adequate care or service.

Growth without prior planning

Growing a business is important for every company, but if there is no advance planning, you can face significant difficulties in the process. In addition, there needs to be sufficient earnings or general resources to support growth.


How to solve liquidity problems in a company?

Once the problems are clear, there are some actions that will be of great help to control the liquidity present in a business.

  • Establish balanced payment terms: so that customers and cash flow are not affected.
  • Collect invoices: businesses can be affected by the delinquency of certain customers, so in this case you have to try to establish conditions that facilitate payments.
  • Optimize expenses: it is necessary to determine what is being paid that is not needed, or what less budget can be allocated to, without compromising operations or quality.
  • Evaluate financing sources for SMEs: a good solution to have capital and reactivate operations is to request financing, especially immediate financing, such as online financing, this can prevent the failure of a company, of course, always with solid planning behind.

And precisely if you want to have options in terms of financing sources for SMEs, which you can use to keep your business stable or make it grow, Pymes Capital has the ideal product.

MCA online financing is a great alternative for those ventures that require capital without complications and without long waits. Simply, you have to fill out the online form and in a short time there is an answer.

Whether you have cash flow pressure or want to expand your business (in a planned way), Pymes Capital is here for you.



