A new year is beginning and along with it comes the opportunity to initiate new strategies and projects for Mexican SMBs, as well as to find a way to continue growing and positioning themselves in a context of global crisis, highlighting economic issues such as inflation and the recovery of various industries in a post pandemic world.

To do this, it is not only necessary to know the challenges that entrepreneurs must face on their way to success, but also to know the importance and role they play in the country, both socially and economically.


What is the importance of SMBs in Mexico?

According to the Business Demographics Study (EDN), it was estimated that in 2021 there were more than 4 million businesses in the country.

In general terms, Mexican SMBs represent a huge percentage of the companies in the country, which is why they impact the development of the economy in different ways. At this point, it is important to consider that their commercial activities represent more than 50% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which indicates that they contribute more than half to the nation’s economic growth.


However, they not only directly influence the country’s economy, since these small and medium-sized companies are a source of employment by generating a significant percentage of the jobs that are recorded in the country. This ensures the possibilities for citizens to have a job, income and can acquire the elements they need to live, develop and improve their quality of life.

Additionally, SMBs are being an important factor for the reactivation of the country after the crisis left by the COVID-19 pandemic, since they promoted the hiring of workers, considering that in 2021 there were 55.5 million working and for the second month of 2022 more than 56 million employees were counted.

It should be noted that the importance of SMBs in Mexico also lies in the boost they give to new forms of services and products, with which consumers can be served to guarantee satisfaction and fulfillment of their needs.


Entrepreneurship in Mexico

In the same way, these ventures function as a key element for innovations, since in many cases it is possible to launch product prototypes and test them to assess market acceptance or if improvements are required, seeking to provide people with a service that It will help you in your day to day, optimizing times and tasks.

Finally, it only remains to reflect on the importance of Mexican SMBs, because with their operations the country is strengthened and competition is promoted so that people have better services. It will only be necessary to attend to the areas of opportunity that still influence its development, such as access to financing adapted to the needs of the venture to guarantee its growth and business continuity.

Pymes Capital is an entity specialized in offering fast, simple financing that has a high approval rate for small and medium-sized companies that seek to obtain resources and avoid debts that may affect their cash flow.

The cash advance for merchants (MCA) modality allows access to economic resources almost immediately and pays with a percentage of sales, which allows financing the operation or new projects very efficiently.

Apply here for free and grow your business!