TIt is estimated that the digital economy is equivalent to more than 15% of global GDP. This change has paved the way for companies that until recently did not operate online to take the step towards digitization and with it, the expansion of their markets; but it has also given rise to the emergence of online financing models and the need to strengthen cybersecurity measures.

In this context, some entrepreneurs question how safe it is to request financing online and seek to adopt criteria that allow them to make a better decision.

The truth is that, in many cases, thanks to the new computer security regulations, resorting to these instruments is a quick option that does not entail actions that generate insecurity in the processing of personal data or company information.


Is it safe to apply for loans online?

Theoretically, the response is yes, but there will always be latent risk associated with some internet transactions. The security of online loan applications will be influenced by the financial institution chosen and the appropriate security measures it implements to secure customer information.

In addition, the National Commission for the Protection of Users of Financial Services (CONDUSEF) has registered an increase in the number of claims related to cyber fraud.

That is why, regardless of the computer security measures that credit granting institutions must have, the ones that we list below are some precautions and advice that must be kept in mind when looking for a financing solution:

  1. Make sure that the institution is endorsed by CONDUSEF, the National Banking and Securities Commission (CNBV) and that it is registered in the Registry of Financial Services Providers (SIPRES), by visiting its website.
  2. Try to be the one who establishes the first contact and investigate the reputation of the institutions and the comments of their clients.
  3. Verify that the conditions of the loan are clear from the beginning, that the processes are carried out transparently and that there is a contact channel to clarify any doubts.
  4. Pay special attention to interest rates and everything related to fines or additional charges in case of not being able to make the payment of any monthly payment.
  5. Be wary of institutions that offer exorbitant amounts of money that are far from your actual ability to pay.
  6. Do not pay in advance. Some fraudulent companies may request payments for opening fees, advance payments, guarantee bonds, and this is precisely one of the signs that give them away.


Importance of computer security in financial institutions

After the entry into force of the Law to Regulate Financial Technology Institutions (Fintech Law), security measures in digital transactions have evolved, allowing for more effective risk management and greater legal certainty for users of financial services. financing offered by this type of financial companies.

In the same way, companies that offer online financing find in this law a clear orientation to implement cybersecurity actions that provide greater protection to operations and to their clients.

As a consequence of the above, currently the Fintech sector has maintained an interesting growth in recent times, offering agile solutions that generate greater financial inclusion.


Pymes Capital: your secure online financing alternative

At Pymes Capital we provide online financing solutions, guaranteeing the computer security of our clients, with a fast, simple process and with customized financing options and a high approval rate. Visit us and grow your business steadily and with certainty.