The use of technology and digital tools has become an essential aspect for any company, they are basic to be able to have a good relationship with the consumer, better management of the organization, and optimized positioning and growth.

This type of change is a necessity for SMEs in Mexico and around the world, since it is estimated that 89% of these companies will go digital this year in Latin America.


What is the importance of digitization?

Digitization is a way of transforming companies and seeks to improve traditional processes, using the different advantages offered by new technologies.

This is to be able to adapt to the new demands of the market and users, in terms of marketing, communication and data management. This also allows these processes to become more efficient and automated.

Check below some of the advantages of digitization in companies.


Benefits of digital tools

The digital era in companies brings many benefits for them, among them is the following:

  • Promotes greater satisfaction among workers.
  • The customer experience improves.
  • Costs of traditional processes are reduced.
  • Productivity increases.
  • New projects can be promoted.
  • The company becomes more attractive for new talent.

Of course, in order to have all this, it is necessary to have financing for SMEs, but for the reasons mentioned, having these instruments must be seen as an investment in increasing competitiveness and not as an expense.


8 essential digital tools for the growth of SMEs in Mexico

Now that you know the benefits of digital tools, see what they are, both for internal and external processes.


1. Document Management Software

They are very useful for generating and editing spreadsheets, text files, presentations and other basic things that companies require to operate on a daily basis.


2. Project management software

Tools that are used to manage the control of different tasks, connect work from different teams, and organize information.


3. Digital internal communication tools

Very useful for the Home Office or the hybrid work system. It is a software focused on simple and fluid interaction between staff.


4. ERP

Enterprise Resource Planning, this is one of the most important digital systems that a company can have, a modular solution that allows you to manage everything related to logistics, production, purchasing, distribution, inventory, billing, among other things.



Customer relationship management software. This digital tool is useful for tracking and managing all interactions with established leads, users, and customers.



The Content Management System is very useful to administer and manage web pages and blogs, whether for staff or clients, it is also helpful to manage electronic commerce and dynamic content.


7. Customer service solutions

Beyond the telephone, tools such as contact through social networks or directly on a web page can be implemented. The use of chatbots to provide information and guidance 24/7 is a growing trend.


8. Analysis software

It is important to know the impact it has on search engines and how many people are visiting the company’s website, to locate interests and changes that must be made. For this there is specific analysis and measurement software for different metrics.


Financing for SMEs

As already mentioned, it is necessary to invest in these tools to see the competitiveness of an organization strengthened. For that, financing is key, and with Pymes Capital you can obtain it. It is very easy and without so many requirements.

Request it from anywhere, just fill out an online form and in a short time you will have an answer. With Pymes Capital, the resources will reach you in a very short time, and thus you will be able to grow your business.